West Kimberley portraits

Amplifying the voices that are invisible. Physically and culturally distant from seats of power.

These portraits were taken while completing the West Kimberley Service System Mapping project in 2022, in which And Projects mapped the journey of different individuals through the ‘system’, unpacking their experience of the programs and services that are in place to ‘help’ communities. As such, we captured many voices from across the West Kimberley that discuss and identify the system and what needs to change.

To value these voices and ensure they could continue to be heard as a clear standpoint, Tobias Titz joined us to ‘take a portrait and give a portrait’ to each person involved. Each portrait is accompanied by a Voice written by each individual stating their identity or a reflection on their experiences of autonomy, empowered decision making, systemic discrimination, and what is needed for the future.

Photography: Tobias Titz

Note: this collection of portraits is currently being developed as part of a place-based intervention in Canberra (currently seeking funding)


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